Google Penguin 4.0 Penalty Recovery and Prevention Guide

Worth $14, FREE at SIM

A must have guide for all webmasters and internet marketers

Google Penalty

What's inside?

  • What is a Penguin 4.0 Penalty?
  • Types of Penalties
  • The left, right & Centre of Algorithmic Penalties
  • Google Manual Penalty explained
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of Penalties
  • The cure aftermath and prevention of future penalties

In these days of Google manual and algorithmic penalties, it is very important to protect your sites from Google Penguin 4.0 penalty and recover in case of penalty

This free e-book covers all about Google Penguin 4.0 penalty, that effects, prevention of penalties and step by step procedure to recover from penalty

Download the FREE e-book now and keep the Google fauna away!

Prevent and Recover Your Website From Google Penguin 4.0

If you see any drop in traffic, contact our experts for a no obligation consultation for backlink audit.