Mobile-friendly Design Conversion: Be Future-ready

The Responsive Digital Business!

One size doesn’t fit all, not two sizes either. But that’s of no excuse when it comes to your website. There was this time when two websites were used; one for desktop users and the other for mobile users. With the challenges and complexities that raged over the Internet, use of websites that encompasses both Desktop & Mobile has now become a factor of excellence in the digital space. This is where Mobile-friendly Design or Mobile Responsive Web Design comes in, bringing the visions of organizations into reality – More traffic, Max ROI – Excellence!

“One website for all; all glory to you!”SIM

Why go Mobile-friendly?

With the advent of Google’s new algorithmic update, “The Google Mobile-friendly Update” which hit the web universe on April 21, 2015 awakened digital businesses to stride fast in designing their websites responsive. The impact it caused is massive across the globe and resulted in the weakening of mobile traffic to websites. This is a major concern for Ecommerce websites which of its traffic is dependent on Mobile users. However, it’s not limited to just one but is a very important factor for all. A best responsive web design can help your users to get relevant, high-quality search results that are exclusively optimized for their devices. Now, you wouldn’t miss anyone anymore; not even your date!

Crucial questions to ponder:

  • Does your revenue depend on Mobile Users?
  • Do you have a separate Mobile website?
  • Are you doubtful if your website is Mobile-friendly or not?

If the answers are a “Yes”, then it is high time in making website mobile-friendly to serve your Mobile users with best user experience. For instance, check the analytics of your website and you might find that 30 – 40% of searches are from mobile devices. Now, if you check the difference between before and after April 21, you are 100% certain to witness significant surges in mobile traffic. Check out our FREE Responsive Web Design Tester and know where you stand.

SubmitINme’s FREE Mobile-friendly Scrutinizer

Time to rule the digital kingdom.

*You’ll get a detailed analysis report with insightful solutions in 24 hours.

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Vital statistics:

  • 80% of Internet users have their own Smartphone or other mobile gadgets
  • 70% of searches made on mobile follows with a goal completion in an hour
  • 40% of people deny websites if not mobile friendly and will choose your competitor’s website
  • 9 out of 10% of the online purchase is done through mobile devices
  • Smartphones are owned by people much more than toothbrushes
mobile friendly

Is the impact for real?

Google has applied a label concept which labels your website on Mobile searches as if it is Mobile-friendly or not. In case if you missed to adhere to the standard guidelines of Google, you get labeled the unfavorable (as illustrated in the Mobile screenshot to the RHS of the page) and will experience a decrease in CTR.

How we do?

We have a 4 stage streamlined process in converting your website to Mobile-friendly design which we have given a walkthrough below.

  • Initial Audit – We do a thorough analysis on the existing design and will suggest steps to make your website mobile friendly.
  • Design and Development – Based on the analysis, we redesign/convert your website with emphasis on delivering best mobile user experience.
  • Quality Check – An exhaustive check will be applied on the output of work delivered from the D&D team, specially emphasizing on the responsiveness, forms, search functionality, etc. present in the website.
  • On-Page Analysis – A post analysis is done to suggest other solutions (if any) such as Page Speed Optimization, Schema Integrations, etc. that are mandatory for your website’s complete performance
  • Deployment – Once after QC is passed, we’ll share the data with you and upon your approval, the design changes will be made on your website, resulting in Mobile-friendly Design assured with zero hurting to your ROI.
  • What you get?
  • Report – After the reflection of tweaks in your website, we check/audit your website using several tools including Google’s Mobile-friendly Test and other Responsive Web Design Checkers
*P.S.: Report helps you understand the changes we have made on your professional web design. If you are an OutSourcing (OS) client, this can serve you as a proof document to make your clients understand, build trust, and love you more!

So, what next?

Simple! You can Check your website for Mobile-friendliness or let us do it for you. And if it is discovered that you or your clients are sadly Not-Mobile-friendly, then you have landed at the best web design firm.

With the strategies inscribed in our responsive web design book by the experienced responsive web designers, we deploy designs with the blend of web design inspiration to make sure your website doesn’t injure the mobile experience of your customers & visitors. Spread love and win love!

Ready to go Mobile-friendly? Contact us now for a FREE consultation!

Mobile-friendly Design: Walkthrough

  • is one of the websites which we examined using Google Mobile-friendly Test and several other tools. During this process, every element of the website was analyzed and eventually discovered that it’s not Mobile Responsive as seen on the “before” section illustrated below.
  • Later on, with the data about the issues discovered, we coded and designed solutions to completely refine the website in par with the latest design trends, given primary concern to Google guidelines.
  • We then implied regression testing with tools to check the quality of the website after consecutive enhancements, thus making sure that the website of Mobile-friendly as seen on the “after” section of the illustration below.
  • We as well did a post analysis process to ensure if the website is complete in all perspective such as the Page Speed and User Experience of the website.
  • After deploying the project online, we listened to the client closely enough to know if he was happy about the outcome. Until we were certain about it, we were all ears and helped make all his requirements into 100% fruition.
  • For utmost satisfaction, we gave an insightful report that which explains all the processes involved and the reflection of the efforts applied on his website to make it Mobile Responsive.
Website: Before After
Google Mobile Friendly Test mobile friendly mobile friendly
Google Mobile User Experience mobile friendly mobile friendly
Google Search Result mobile friendly mobile friendly

Want to know more? Contact us now for a FREE consultation!