One size doesn’t fit all, not two sizes either. But that’s of no excuse when it
comes to your website. There was this time when two websites were used; one for
desktop users and the other for mobile users. With the challenges and complexities
that raged over the Internet, use of websites that encompasses both Desktop & Mobile
has now become a factor of excellence in the digital space. This is where Mobile-friendly
Design or Mobile Responsive Web Design comes in, bringing the visions of organizations
into reality – More traffic, Max ROI – Excellence!
With the advent of Google’s new algorithmic update, “The Google Mobile-friendly
Update” which hit the web universe on April 21, 2015 awakened digital businesses
to stride fast in designing their websites responsive. The impact it caused is massive
across the globe and resulted in the weakening of mobile traffic to websites. This
is a major concern for Ecommerce websites which of its traffic is dependent on Mobile
users. However, it’s not limited to just one but is a very important factor for
all. A best responsive web design can help your users to get relevant, high-quality
search results that are exclusively optimized for their devices. Now, you wouldn’t
miss anyone anymore; not even your date!
- Does your revenue depend on Mobile Users?
- Do you have a separate Mobile website?
- Are you doubtful if your website is Mobile-friendly or not?
If the answers are a “Yes”, then it is high time in making website mobile-friendly
to serve your Mobile users with best user experience. For instance, check the analytics
of your website and you might find that 30 – 40% of searches are from mobile devices.
Now, if you check the difference between before and after April 21, you are 100%
certain to witness significant surges in mobile traffic. Check out our FREE Responsive
Web Design Tester and know where you stand.